About FILMeX


TOKYO FILMeX Competition

This year’s TOKYO FILMeX Competition will present 10 new films by the best-emerging filmmakers in Asia. The Jury consists of three international film professionals who will judge the films in this program, and the following prizes will be announced at the award ceremony on the evening of November 30th.

Grand Prize
The winning film's director will receive 700,000 yen.
Special Jury Prize
The winning film's director will receive 300,000 yen.
Audience Award
The award-winning film is chosen from all of the section after the vote of the audience. (expect the Closing film and films screened after the 1th December)
Student Jury Prize
Three stuent jurors will evaluate the 10 films in Competition, and the “Student Jury Prize” winning film will be announced at the award ceremony on Sunday, November 30. The selection of the student jurors and the admistration will be undertaken by the Tokyo Student Film Festival.