In Between Dying

Azerbaijan, Mexico, USA / 2020 / 88 min
Director: Hilal BAYDAROV
This is the second dramatic feature film by Hilal BAYDAROV, an up-and-coming Azerbaijani filmmaker who trained under TARR Bela. Set during a day’s journey depicted against the desolate Central Asian landscape, the film follows the protagonist as he is chased by the shadow of death wherever he goes and throws various mysteries at the viewer. Screened in competition at the Venice International Film Festival.

Director: Hilal BAYDAROV

10/30 『死ぬ間際』Q&A(リモート)
10/30 『死ぬ間際』Q&A(リモート)
TOHOシネマズ シャンテ
市山 尚三(東京フィルメックス ディレクター)
松下 由美(通訳)
アゼルバイジャン・メキシコ・アメリカ / 2020 / 88分
監督:ヒラル・バイダロフ(Hilal BAYDAROV)
Azerbaijan, Mexico, USA / 2020 / 88 min
Director: Hilal BAYDAROV
in preparation
- TOKYO FILMeX Competition
Special Screenings
- index
- Love Mooning Opening film
- It Must Be Heaven Closing film
- Crash
- Denise Ho: Becoming the Song
- Laila in Haifa
- Irradiated
- Days
- Septet: The Story of Hong Kong
- Swimming Out Till The Sea Turns Blue
- The Calming
- The Woman Who Ran
- MINAMATA Mandala
- The Work and Days (of Tayoko Shiojiri in the Shiotani Basin)
- Filmmaker in Focus: Elia SULEIMAN
- Jury / Awards
- Entry Form / Regulations
- Talents Tokyo