Iran / 1974 / 75 min.
Director: Amir NADERI
A film produced by The Institute for the Intellectual Development of Children, Young Adults which became the home to NADERI's film productions. Set at a seaside village looking out on the Persian Gulf, the film depicts the turmoil caused by children arguing over the ownership of a harmonica. The children's dispute surrounding the harmonica is obviously a dispute over authority in the children's world and can be seen as a metaphor giving piercing insight into an authoritarian political system. In that sense, though created as a children's film, stating "Harmonica" far and away surpasses the children's film category would not be an exaggeration. A masterpiece amply demonstrating NADERI's genius as an auteur with its documentary-like cinematography of people living in southern Iran and its portrayal of the vivacious children.

11/23 『ハーモニカ』 Q&A
11/23 『ハーモニカ』 Q&A
市山 尚三(東京フィルメックス ディレクター)
イラン / 1974年 / 75分
監督:アミール・ナデリ(Amir NADERI)
Iran / 1974 / 75min.
Director: Amir NADERI
- TOKYO FILMeX Competition
Special Screenings
- index
- Hotel by the River opening film
- Ash is Purest White closing film
- A Tramway in Jerusalem
- A Letter to a Friend in GAZA
- Graves Without a Name
- First Night Nerves
- Alpha, The Rights to Kill
- Your Face
- The Horse Thief
- Grass
- BON-UTA: A Song From Home
- Wish we were here
- Jesus
- Love Dart
- Complicity
- Special Program: Filmmaker in Focus [ Amir NADERI ]
- Jury / Awards
- Entry Form / Regulations
- Talents Tokyo