Korea / 2018 / 66 min.
Director: HONG Sang-soo
Classical music fills a small cafe where a man and a woman are quarreling. The woman is vehemently holding the man responsible for her friend's suicide. The camera pans to the neighboring table where a young woman is seated. She is typing something on the laptop laid out before her. It seems as if she is writing down the conversation taking place next to her. Before long, a young man approaches the woman. He is her younger brother who says he will introduce his girlfriend to her. The woman is led out of the cafe by her brother.... HONG Sangsoo's gift for minimalism is fully on display all within the very confined setting of this film which screened in the Forum Section of the Berlin International Film Festival.

11/17 『草の葉』 舞台挨拶
11/17 『草の葉』 舞台挨拶
TOHOシネマズ 日比谷
市山 尚三(東京フィルメックス ディレクター)
根本 理恵(通訳)
韓国 / 2018 / 66分
監督:ホン・サンス(HONG Sang Soo)
Korea / 2018 / 66min.
Director: HONG Sang-soo
- TOKYO FILMeX Competition
Special Screenings
- index
- Hotel by the River opening film
- Ash is Purest White closing film
- A Tramway in Jerusalem
- A Letter to a Friend in GAZA
- Graves Without a Name
- First Night Nerves
- Alpha, The Rights to Kill
- Your Face
- The Horse Thief
- Grass
- BON-UTA: A Song From Home
- Wish we were here
- Jesus
- Love Dart
- Complicity
- Special Program: Filmmaker in Focus [ Amir NADERI ]
- Jury / Awards
- Entry Form / Regulations
- Talents Tokyo