USA / 2018 / 102 min.
Director: Ramin BAHRANI, Scriptwriter: Amir NADERI
A remake of Francois TRAUFFAUT's film adaptation of Ray BRADBURY's science fiction novel 'Fahrenheit 451' by "99 Homes" director Ramin BAHRANI. An Iranian director living in the U.S., BAHRANI co-wrote the script with the person he respects as his mentor, Amir NADERI. The protagonist is Guy, a fireman who burns books in a world where reading is prohibited. "Black Panther" actor, Michael B. Jordan, delivers a solid performance of Guy's conflict regarding the virtuousness of his actions. Also noteworthy is Michael SHANNON's ("Shape of Water") highly realistic portrayal of the fireman captain. World premiered at the Cannes Film Festival.

11/23 『華氏451』 Q&A
11/23 『華氏451』 Q&A
市山 尚三(東京フィルメックス ディレクター)
アメリカ / 2018年 / 102分
監督:ラミン・バーラニ(Ramin BAHRANI)
脚本:アミール・ナデリ(Amir NADERI)
Fahrenheit 451
USA / 2018 / 102 min.
Director: Ramin BAHRANI, Scriptwriter: Amir NADERI
- TOKYO FILMeX Competition
Special Screenings
- index
- Hotel by the River opening film
- Ash is Purest White closing film
- A Tramway in Jerusalem
- A Letter to a Friend in GAZA
- Graves Without a Name
- First Night Nerves
- Alpha, The Rights to Kill
- Your Face
- The Horse Thief
- Grass
- BON-UTA: A Song From Home
- Wish we were here
- Jesus
- Love Dart
- Complicity
- Special Program: Filmmaker in Focus [ Amir NADERI ]
- Jury / Awards
- Entry Form / Regulations
- Talents Tokyo