Cambodia / 2018 / 115 min.
Director: Rithy PANH
The film opens with director Rithy PANH having his head shaved in preparation for a religious rite. His purpose is to discover the whereabout of the remains of his family who were murdered during the Khmer Rouge years. Furthermore, testimony from many people attest to how unprincipled the Khmer Rouge rule had been.... PANH has consistently sought to document the tragedy of his native country. This film could be called the consummation of his current efforts. A diverse number of literary works are cited in the film including Jean CAYROL's writings 'Night and Fog', a passage from Pascal QUIGNARD's novel 'All the World's Mornings, and verses from the poetry of Paul ÉLUARD. Screened as the opening film of the Venice Film Festival's Venice Days section.

11/18 『名前のない墓』 Q&A
11/18 『名前のない墓』 Q&A
TOHOシネマズ 日比谷
市山 尚三(東京フィルメックス ディレクター)
福崎 裕子(通訳)
フランス、カンボジア / 2018 / 115分
監督:リティ・パン (RITHY Panh)
Graves Without a Name
Cambodia / 2018 / 115 min.
Director: Rithy PANH
- TOKYO FILMeX Competition
Special Screenings
- index
- Hotel by the River opening film
- Ash is Purest White closing film
- A Tramway in Jerusalem
- A Letter to a Friend in GAZA
- Graves Without a Name
- First Night Nerves
- Alpha, The Rights to Kill
- Your Face
- The Horse Thief
- Grass
- BON-UTA: A Song From Home
- Wish we were here
- Jesus
- Love Dart
- Complicity
- Special Program: Filmmaker in Focus [ Amir NADERI ]
- Jury / Awards
- Entry Form / Regulations
- Talents Tokyo